
Dental fillings can save your teeth from severe infection and even tooth loss in the long run. Tooth decay and cavities are unsightly and can be uncomfortable for some people. These decays can become a host to more undesirable dental conditions that no one wants to experience. Also, no one wants to have missing teeth or experience the struggle of toothache and infection once these cavities penetrate deeper into the tooth. This is why dental fillings are made to prevent these severe oral conditions from happening. Read on to know more about this restorative procedure and where it is best to have it done. 

What are Dental fillings?

A dental filling is a dental restorative procedure that is used to repair teeth that have been worn out, cracked or decayed. Through the use of drills and other dental tools, the dentist gets rid of the rotten part and covers the cavity with a dental filling. Cavities and tooth decay are the most common health issues in the world since ancient times. This procedure is a must when the teeth have cavities because if the decay gets larger and affects the inner parts of the teeth, it can result in toothache, infection, and even tooth loss. 

Dental fillings are made of hard materials that can withstand the pressure that the tooth encounters every day, especially when eating. There are five types of dental fillings, namely, the amalgam, composite fillings, glass iomer, gold inlays and onlays, and porcelain. 

  1. Amalgam: This type of filling is silver in color and is a combination of silver alloy and mercury. It is meant to be used on the chewing teeth found at the back of the mouth. 
  2. Composite fillings: This type of filling is tooth-colored and is made of quartz, silica, and a resin base.
  3. Glass iomer: This type of filling is considered a weak filling; thus, it is only used on baby teeth or “non-biting” surfaces of the teeth.
  4. Gold inlays and onlays: This type of filling is known to be hard-wearing and long-lasting because of the gold material. This filling is specially made in the laboratory and requires an impression to be prepared for the technician to create the filling.
  5. Porcelain: This filling, just like the gold filling, is hard-wearing and long-lasting. It also matches the natural color of the teeth and is also made in the laboratory. 

Dental filling procedure

A dental filling procedure lasts for 20 minutes to one hour, depending on how many cavities are being eliminated. The main steps done in a dental filling procedure are as follows: 


  • Local anesthesia is usually used for this procedure. However, if the decay is only on the tooth’s surface, anesthesia does not need to be given since it will not cause the patient any pain. 

Decay removal 

  • Before placing the filling, the dentist first removes the decayed parts of the tooth using a high-speed dental drill. Once they have eliminated the decay, they will clean and sterilize the tooth and have it ready for the filling to be placed. 


  • The procedure for the application of the filling depends on which material they are going to use. For amalgam and composite fillings, mixing of the material, application of an acid gel, and curing with blue light is involved during this stage. For gold and porcelain fillings, they will take an impression of your teeth for the creation of the customized filling material. 

Shaping and polishing 

  • Once they have placed the filling, they will shape and polish the tooth to make it look like the original one. The dentist will also use an articulating paper, which you will bite, for them to see if the filling is making proper contact with your other teeth. 

Before and after

Just like your natural teeth, dental fillings also need proper care through brushing, flossing, and regular professional cleaning and checkup. Before getting a dental filling, you can see in the left picture that the teeth have a lot of black patches and do not look completely healthy. However, after their dental filling, the teeth look clean as if they did not experience any decay.

A dental filling is one of the restorative procedures in the dental field that eliminates tooth decay and cavities with the five types of dental fillings available today. In just 20 minutes to an hour, your teeth are restored to their healthy shape by following the procedures in the application of a dental filling. The results are always successful when done by a licensed dentist. With proper oral hygiene, the filling can last for a long time. 

In South Korea, there are a lot of dental clinics that cater to patients who need a dental filling. For appointments, you may contact us Clinic Search Korea. We will connect you with the clinic that provides international standard dental care. Let us help you restore those healthy smiles with our innovative technology and Natural Green Dentistry philosophy. 


How long do dental fillings last?

How long your dental fillings last depends on the material used and how you take care of it. Usually, fillings can last for seven up to ten years with proper care. With regards to the filling material, one factor in determining how long it will serve its purpose is if it is used on the right tooth. Composite filling and glass iomer fillings are not meant to withstand too much biting, while gold porcelain ones can endure strong bites, especially in the molars. In this case, if your dentist places the material on the proper tooth, then it will contribute to a longer-lasting filling. 

How many dental fillings does the average person have?

You can have as many dental fillings as you need and as prescribed by your dentist. It greatly depends on how long you are willing to stay in the clinic, how long you can endure opening your mouth, and how many fillings your dentist can place in a particular appointment.

Do small cavities need to be filled?

Yes, even small cavities need to be filled. However, if it is too small and is in its early stages, your dentist may opt not to fill it. Instead, they may use medication, or they may clean the tooth to get rid of the cavity as early as possible.