
With a steady yearly increase in patients who visit Korea just to have plastic surgery is a fantastic thing to ponder. Returning to their countries with a smile on their faces, it is nonetheless a testament to the quality of plastic surgery done in Korea.

If you are looking to get and experience plastic surgery done in Korea, look no further! We are here to help you.

There are several types of plastic surgeries in Korea that we at Clinic Search can help you find and provide the services that you need.

The variety of plastic surgeries that we provide are listed below but are not limited to:


Eye Plastic Surgery

Eyes are the windows to our soul. It is no wonder that eye plastic surgery is often the most prevalent type of plastic surgery performed in Korea.

Though beauty is often in the eyes of the beholder, there is a quantifiable measurement of an eye that is deemed to be beautiful (about 30-34 mm in width for most people).

There is also a little bit of geometry involved here. Typically, our eye’s inner corners form a line that also constitutes a right angle to our nose’s alars. Also, our eye’s outer edges form a diagonal line to our nose’s alars too! With this, no one could ever refute the intricacies of our facial construction, especially our eyes.

Eye plastic surgery exists in a lot of forms that we’ll discuss in detail below. There are things we need to communicate in preparation for the procedure.

Before the procedure

Eye plastic surgery is usually an outpatient procedure; therefore, it usually has short recovery time and is typically done in an office of a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

However, before the procedure, one must follow some vital preparatory protocols like the following listed below:

  • Visiting your practitioner ahead of time to discuss your medical history and your expectations of the procedure. It is essential to consult these with your practitioner to rule out problems that you may encounter along the way.
  • Informing the practitioner what medications, vitamins, and supplements you take. It ensures that you avoid any further complications during the procedure. If you are taking some kind of medication for your high blood pressure, diabetes, or blood thinners, kindly let the practitioner know for him or her to advise you what to do.
  • Undergoing a physical examination. Your cosmetic surgeon will conduct a physical inspection of your eyes, which may include measuring your eyelids and checking your tear glands.

Furthermore, your doctor will ask you to do the following:

  • Stop taking any blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel, NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, and any other herbal supplement that can induce or hasten you to bleed.
  • Stop smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping can significantly diminish the healing time of the procedure.

After the procedure

Despite being an office procedure, your doctor will monitor for complications in your practitioner’s office. It is to ensure that you will get adequate medical care if in the case those complications arise. You can leave once you are free from all complications.

You may transiently experience one or more of the following after the surgery:

  • Pain or discomfort in your eye

  • Double vision

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Numb and puffy eyelids

  • Teary eyes

  • Blurred vision due to the lubricant 

  • Bruising similar to black eyes

We suggest to do the following care routine following the procedure:

  • Applying cold compress in the affected eye every hour following the procedure to mitigate swelling and pain

  • Observing proper hygiene in the affected eye by cleaning it properly and using the prescribed cream or ointment

  • Avoiding strenuous activities such as lifting or jogging for at least a week after the procedure

  • Avoiding smoking

  • Avoiding to touch your eye

  • Wearing eyeglasses instead of contacts

  • Wearing dark-tinted and UV protected sunglasses to protect your eye while going outside

  • Avoiding taking NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen for pain relief. If needed, only take paracetamol to relieve pain. It is because NSAIDs carry the risk of increased bleeding.

  • Sleeping with your head elevated above your chest for a few days to a week

However, if symptoms such as the following arise, seek immediate medical attention from your nearest hospital. These include chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular and unusual heartbeats, new-onset eye pain, severe bleeding, and persistent vision problems.

Incisional double eyelid surgery

Occasionally, some individuals possess an eyelid that can make their eyes look smaller than they usually are. The best-suited treatment for this case is incisional double eyelid surgery.

What exactly is incisional double eyelid surgery?

Incisional double eyelid surgery is a procedure performed on individuals who want a well-defined crease in their eyelids, thus giving way to a more pronounced opening of the eye.

This procedure is perfect for individuals who have thick eyelids or have prominent fat deposits in their eyelids.

This kind of procedure either utilizes the full incisional method or partial incisional method. Nonetheless, this procedure is extremely safe and is considerably more reliable than its non-incisional counterparts.

The average surgery time for the incisional double eyelid surgery is approximately 30-45 minutes utilizing twilight anesthesia, a type of anesthetic technique wherein mild sedation in the form of anxiety relief is administered to the patient. 

Recovery time is very minimal as you can leave the clinic after an hour of monitoring. You will begin to look regular after about 2-3 weeks of recovery.

Non-incisional double eyelid surgery

As opposed to the incisional double eyelid surgery, the non-incisional double eyelid surgery is performed on individuals who possess a single eyelid formation that is not as thick or too droopy in appearance. If that is the case, then this kind of procedure is perfect for you.

What exactly do you do in non-incisional double eyelid surgery?

This kind of procedure makes use of delicate sutures along the eyelid to create a double eyelid, thus eliminating the need to create an incision.

However, one caveat exists for this kind of procedure; that is, it is semi-permanent. Therefore, at any point in time, the sutures will most probably loosen up and fail, thus, bringing up the need for you to repeat the procedure or undergo the incisional method for it to be permanent. If you prefer longevity, the incisional way is superior to the non-incisional method.

The average surgery time is approximately 30 minutes utilizing twilight anesthesia.

Recovery time is minimal since you can leave after being monitored in the clinic after 1 hour.

You’ll look spic and span after 1-2 weeks of recovery, and within 6-9 months, you’ll recover fully.

What exactly do you do in non-incisional double eyelid surgery?

This kind of procedure makes use of delicate sutures along the eyelid to create a double eyelid, thus eliminating the need to create an incision.

However, one caveat exists for this kind of procedure; that is, it is semi-permanent. Therefore, at any point in time, the sutures will most probably loosen up and fail, thus, bringing up the need for you to repeat the procedure or undergo the incisional method for it to be permanent. If you prefer longevity, the incisional way is superior to the non-incisional method.

The average surgery time is approximately 30 minutes utilizing twilight anesthesia.

Recovery time is minimal since you can leave after being monitored in the clinic after 1 hour.

You’ll look spic and span after 1-2 weeks of recovery, and within 6-9 months, you’ll recover fully.


Some individuals possess an epicanthal fold, that is, a fold of skin that covers the inner corner of the eye. If, in the case that you have that fold of skin, then epicanthoplasty may just be the right option for you to make your eyes larger. The presence of the epicanthal fold makes your eyes appear smaller than usual.

What is epicanthoplasty?

Epicanthoplasty is a procedure wherein the Mongolian fold is repositioned, thus bringing forth a balance together with a more delicate look to your face. This type of procedure is usually performed along with double eyelid surgery, ptosis correction, or lateral canthoplasty.

The average surgery time is approximately 30 minutes, also utilizing twilight anesthesia. Recovery time is also minimal as you can leave the clinic after close monitoring after 1 hour.

You’ll be back to your usual look within 1-2 weeks, and it will fully set in within 6-9 months.

Lateral canthoplasty

When the outer corner of the eye is too short, it makes your eyes look narrow and small. Lateral canthoplasty corrects slanted eyes and increases the amount of white that you can see in the outer eye corner. This procedure makes your eyes look more gentle, bigger, and brighter. It is performed with ptosis correction, double eyelid surgery, and or epicanthoplasty.

If you notice that the outer corner of your eye looks too short, then it could make your eye look narrow and small. Lateral canthoplasty corrects this problem.

What is lateral canthoplasty?

Lateral canthoplasty is a procedure wherein slanted eyes get corrected; thus, the amount of white area in your outer eye corner that you can see is increased. The result is that you get bigger, brighter, and gentler eyes.

The average surgery time is approximately 30 minutes utilizing twilight anesthesia.

Recovery time is minimal since you can leave after being monitored in the clinic after 1 hour.

You’ll look spic and span after 1-2 weeks of recovery, and within 6-9 months, you’ll recover fully.

Love Band

Being a popular procedure in Korea, the Love Band, otherwise known as aegyosal, is where the lower eyelid gets injected by fat or filler through the tear duct in the upper part of the lower eyelid. Its popularity stems from the fact that it gives you a younger, cuter, and more feminine appearance that is sure to catch others’ attention.

What are the methods used?

There are two methods used: via filler or fat grafting. The more popular among the two is via filler, as it can last up to 6 months. Dissolving fillers are recommended over the semi-permanent filler.

Fat grafting is often done if you want a more permanent kind of look; however, as opposed to the filler, it is more difficult to reverse, especially if you don’t like the look. This cosmetic touch is fashionable among young Korean women.

Twilight anesthesia is usually employed in this procedure, and it usually has a short recovery time of 30 minutes to an hour.

You’ll be back to your usual look in about 3-4 days, and it will fully set in in about a week.

Ptosis correction

Smaller eyes usually result from a variety of factors; however, one is the drooping down of the upper eyelid, thus covering too much of the iris. In some cases, it can even limit your vision. Ptosis is the condition that happens wherein you have weakened eyelid muscles. As this condition affects your vision, your forehead muscles react by contracting, thus creating more pronounced lines and wrinkles in your forehead.

In most, if not all cases, fat and excess tissue will be excised through an incision. Before the area is sutured, the muscles will be tightened. Since an incision is performed, a double eyelid line is performed at this point if the patient requests.

A specialist should perform this procedure as this is the most complicated procedure surrounding the eyes. With ptosis correction, the double eyelid is reformed in an improved way or created newly.

The procedure generally lasts about 1 hour, and twilight anesthesia is employed.

After close monitoring, you can leave the clinic after 1-1.5 hours.


Lower blepharoplasty

Drooping of lower eyelids are usually the result of too much excess skin on your lower eyelid. Lower blepharoplasty is a procedure wherein this excess skin is removed. Fat grafting and under-eye fat repositioning are often done to make the eye look smoother and give a younger appearance. Scarring would not be a problem since the stitching is done along the top of the lower eyelid. Thus, it would be virtually invisible.

Surgery time will approximately be 1-hour employing twilight anesthesia. After close monitoring, you can leave the clinic after 1-1.5 hours.

You’ll recover back to normal in about 3-4 weeks, and it will set in at about 6-9 months.

Upper blepharoplasty

As with lower blepharoplasty, your upper eyelid can also undergo eye plastic surgery if the skin on your upper eyelid is droopy or saggy. In this case, excision, tightening, and suturing of the area is usually performed to improve your appearance and to provide a younger and radiant look.

The perfect candidates are usually those in which fat is hurting their upper eyelids. In that case, the forehead muscles are forced to contract regularly to open the eyes. It has a domino effect in causing more lines and wrinkles in the forehead. Furthermore, vision problems, including visual impairment and having a limited field of vision, can also arise.

This procedure does not only help you aesthetically but also improves the quality of your health.

Surgery time will approximately be 1-hour employing twilight anesthesia. After close monitoring, you can leave the clinic after 1-1.5 hours.

You’ll recover back to normal in about 3-4 weeks, and it will set in at about 6-9 months.

Nose plastic surgery

Aside from eye plastic surgery, nose plastic surgery is another standard procedure in Korea. Medically it is known as rhinoplasty. The vast majority of people around the world who are not happy with the shape of their nose simply want something to be done with it. There is a myriad of procedures and options regarding nose reshaping. These include the tapering of the nose to make it look sharper, making the nose more substantial, or making the nose smaller.

If you think that your nose doesn’t suit you well, you could simply book an appointment with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to have plastic surgery performed on your nose to your heart’s desire. In that case, you could simply customize how your nose looks without worrying about your current nose. If you’re worried about visible scars, then worry not for technology is already advanced enough not to leave any visibly significant injuries.

However, it is essential to note that rhinoplasties are not just done out of aesthetic purposes; instead, it is also done out of medical necessity. For example, in the case of congenital disabilities or significant trauma to the nose, rhinoplasties are also performed. If that is the case, you might be the right candidate for a rhinoplasty.

Before the procedure

Each patient must be well-prepared for every procedure that they undergo. Therefore, a good conversation with your doctor regarding your procedure is a must.

You must meet with your doctor (cosmetic surgeon) to discuss what works well for you. An initial clinic visit is a necessity in this case. You will most likely undergo:

  • A review of your medical history. Your doctor will most probably ask you about your expectations regarding the surgery. He or she will also ask whether you have any account of nasal obstruction, difficulty breathing through your nose, etc. Also, he or she will most probably ask you if you have a history of bleeding; this could disqualify you from the procedure.
  • A physical exam. A physical exam is essential so that your doctor could assess the area of your nose that needs a rhinoplasty. Also, he or she will order several lab tests, such as blood tests.
  • A healthy discussion of the procedure. Each procedure carries its risks and benefits. You and your doctor must talk this through for both of you to weigh the pros and cons.

Furthermore, you are asked to do the following:

  • Stop taking any blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel, NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, and any other herbal supplement that can induce or hasten you to bleed.
  • Stop smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping can significantly diminish the healing time of the procedure.

What to expect during the procedure

Unlike eye plastic surgery, nose plastic surgery usually requires either the administration of local anesthesia with sedation (deep sleep) or general anesthesia through an intravenous line. It is generally decided by your doctor, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

After the procedure, you’ll be brought into a recovery room where you will be carefully monitored until you regain consciousness. You can be discharged if no complications arise, but you will most probably stay longer if any issues arise.

After the procedure

You will need to follow several essential care routines to avoid any further complications in the future. These include elevating your head higher than your chest to minimize bleeding and swelling from the surgery.

Internal dressings usually remain for up to a week following the procedure. A splint is usually placed on your nose for protection and support. It will be there for about a week.

To further minimize damage to the area and to avoid unwanted infections, your doctor will recommend you to do the following:

  • Not blowing your nose as much as possible.
  • Avoid taking showers while your nose is healing.
  • Eating a soft, high fiber diet to avoid constipation.
  • Gently brushing your teeth.
  • Avoiding intense activity such as lifting, jogging, and aerobics
  • Avoiding wearing clothes that go over the head

It is important to note that putting ice packs on top of your nose should be avoided. If in pain, take your prescribed pain reliever.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a broad term that refers to a wide range of procedures that shape the nose of a patient. Though there might be some differences, the general idea is still the same, that is, reshape one’s nose.

The following are the different types of rhinoplasty:

Alar reduction

This procedure is usually performed on individuals who are generally unhappy about their current nose shape. Individuals who possess an arrowhead-like nose, flat nostrils, and wide nostrils are good candidates.

It is important to note that there is a limitation on how narrow your nostrils can be shaped. Always follow your doctor’s advice regarding this.

Blunt or bulbous nose correction

Blunt noses are noses wherein the nostrils are too broad. In this procedure, you are aiming to balance the shape of your nose with the entirety of your face. Cases can range from simple to complex.

Downward pointing tip correction

Sometimes, nose tips can have a dropping appearance that can have the resemblance of an arrow. It is also referred to as a “ptotic” nose.

This procedure corrects this imbalance, but only a trained specialist like a rhinoplasty specialist should perform it. 

Tip plasty

Tip plasty is performed if the patient wants his or her nose width to be reduced and to give the nose a sharper appearance. Several methods are usually employed by the cosmetic surgeon depending on the complexity of the case.

Bridge augmentation

In cases wherein the nose bridge is not high enough, bridge augmentation is usually performed. Also known as dorsal augmentation, it makes the nose larger and adjusts it according to the proper proportions.

Deviated nose bridge correction (Septoplasty)

This procedure is usually performed when your nose is crooked in appearance. This malformation causes several medical conditions such as nasal congestion, breathing problems, sinus headaches, and many more. Septoplasty, a type of procedure that corrects the septum (cartilage which divides the nose), is usually done.

Men’s rhinoplasty

With impressive results and booming popularity, men’s rhinoplasty is now typical in Korea. While female noses usually have a slight curve to them to give them a more feminine appearance, male noses often are straighter in appearance. It provides a more masculine look.

How rhinoplasty is performed

Numerous steps are taken before the rhinoplasty is performed. Here are the general steps in performing a rhinoplasty:

  • Incision

The cosmetic surgeon makes the initial incisions that are essential for the operation and the reshaping stage of the rhinoplasty.

  • Reshaping the nose structure

This is where all the hard work begins.  The cosmetic surgeon reshapes your nose according to what you have discussed during your initial clinic visit. It is where the reshaping of the nose happens.

  • Correcting the deviated septum

This step is done if any breathing problems are still present in the patient.

  • Closing of the incisions

Your surgeon will then close all the incisions and patch you up. After this, you’ll proceed to recover.

Facial Contouring surgery

Facial balance and symmetry are two essential aesthetic components. Face contouring surgery is highly recommended if you are having issues with your face. With crucial points like the chin, jaw, cheek, and overall shape of the face, it is essential to note that the eyes and nose are excluded from this list.

Standard facial contouring procedures include chin alteration, mandible reduction, and zygoma reduction. Fat grafting is also another proper procedure if you have depressed areas of your face. V-line procedures usually have longer recovery times compared to the ones mentioned above.

Before the procedure

Each patient must be well-prepared for every procedure that they undergo. Therefore, a good conversation with your doctor regarding your procedure is a must.

You must meet with your doctor (cosmetic surgeon) to discuss what works well for you. An initial clinic visit is a necessity in this case. You will most likely undergo:

  • A review of your medical history. Your doctor will most probably ask you about your expectations regarding the surgery. He or she will most likely ask you if you have an account of bleeding; this could disqualify you from the procedure.
  • A physical exam. A physical exam is essential so that your doctor could assess the area of your nose that needs the procedure. Also, he or she will order several lab tests, such as blood tests.
  • A healthy discussion of the procedure. Each procedure carries its risks and benefits. You and your doctor must talk this through for both of you to weigh the pros and cons.

Furthermore, you will also be asked to do the following:

  • A review of your medical history. Your doctor will most probably ask you about your expectations regarding the surgery. He or she will most likely ask you if you have an account of bleeding; this could disqualify you from the procedure.
  • A physical exam. A physical exam is essential so that your doctor could assess the area of your nose that needs the procedure. Also, he or she will order several lab tests, such as blood tests.
  • A healthy discussion of the procedure. Each procedure carries its risks and benefits. You and your doctor must talk this through for both of you to weigh the pros and cons.

What to expect during the procedure

Just like nose plastic surgery, facial contouring surgery usually requires either the administration of local anesthesia with sedation (deep sleep) or general anesthesia through an intravenous line. It is generally decided by your doctor, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

After the procedure, you’ll be brought into a recovery room where you will be monitored until you regain consciousness. You can be discharged if no complications arise, but you will most probably stay longer if any issues arise.

After the procedure

Expect that you’ll have swelling, especially in 2-3 days after surgery. It is normal, and it will eventually come down. Thus it is essential to apply ice packs to the area. Ice helps relieve swelling. Remember, ice is your friend. The more you use ice, the faster your healing process.

Remember also to take all your prescribed medications. Some medications help with pain, such as paracetamol and antibiotics, to avoid any unwanted infections from occurring.

Furthermore, avoid any form of smoking and vaping while you are still recovering. We can’t stress this enough that smoking and vaping delay the healing process. It can affect your recovery and even your results.

Asymmetrical face

Every person has, to a certain degree, a level of asymmetry in their faces. However, too much asymmetry is considered unattractive and is therefore not aesthetically pleasing. 

By only looking at the mirror, you could diagnose yourself for asymmetry. Just look for slanted features such as lips, jawline, eyeline, etc. This asymmetry often is the result of our physical attributes upon birth, but it can also be caused by trauma and injury to the area.

Square jaw reduction or genio-osteotomy is usually performed to correct this imbalance.

The procedure generally lasts about 2-3 hours, and general anesthesia is employed.

You will be in the hospital for 1-2 days. You will then recover back to normal after four weeks, and it will fully set in about 6-12 months.


Forehead augmentation

Fat grafting is an excellent way to balance out your forehead if it has depressions or is flat. Sometimes this is also done with the use of implants. Scars are avoided since the implants are inserted through the incision inside the hairline.

It is essential to understand that implants last a lifetime, are incredibly safe, and produce the best results as they continuously hold on to their shape. Fat grafting, on the other hand, is when fat from another part of the body is taken and grafted into your forehead. But, it is also important to note that fat usually is absorbed within  1-2 months of the procedure. We often recommend implants over fat grafting.


The average surgery time for forehead augmentation is 1-2 hours employing a local anesthetic with sedation.  The good thing about this is that you can leave the clinic after 2-3 hours after careful monitoring.

You’ll recover in about 2-3 weeks, and it will fully set in about 6-12 months.

V-line procedure

If you want an attractive V-shaped jaw, then a V-line procedure is right for you! The V-line procedure ensures that you have a distinctive V-shape from your jaw down to your chin. This procedure usually requires 1-3 steps, depending on the complexity of your case.

For simple cases, only a chin shaving or genioplasty is required. For more complex cases, a mandible reduction surgery may be necessary. However, for the most complex cases, a zygoma reduction is needed to reduce the cheekbones.

Your expected result should be that your facial width should look sleek and small, but aesthetically pleasing.

A specialist should only perform this procedure.

Chin shaving

If minor changes are only required to the chin, chin shaving is usually performed. This type of procedure shaves your chin and is shaped to your preferred chin appearance. It is done on the internal portion of your mouth, and no external incision is required. 

It is believed that a more V-shaped chin is considered more beautiful and feminine. Thus it is regarded as a popular option.

It is an outpatient procedure and is usually performed in the clinic of your doctor.

The average surgery time is 1-2 hours employing a local anesthetic with sedation. After careful monitoring, you can leave the clinic after 2-3 hours. 

It will take approximately 2-3 weeks for you to look normal, and it will fully set in about 6-12 months.

Zygoma reduction

Large, prominent, and full cheekbones can affect your facial balance. If that is the case, a zygoma reduction will help you regain and improve your facial symmetry. 

A zygoma reduction works by reducing the cheekbones through fracturing, trimming, and rotating the cheekbones. The result is softer and gentler looking cheekbones.

This procedure is done internally in the mouth. No external incisions are made. Thus no scarring is evident.

It is important to note that this is an inpatient procedure. The surgery time will be approximately 2-4 hours while requiring general anesthesia. 

You’ll be in the hospital for about a day for close monitoring. After about 3-4 weeks, you’ll begin to look normal.

Mandible reduction

A broad and flat lower jaw may look not aesthetically pleasing. If that is the case, you may opt to undergo mandible reduction. It is similar to a zygoma reduction, but the mandible is involved rather than the cheekbone.

This procedure is done internally in the mouth. No external incisions are made. Thus no scarring is evident.

It is important to note that this is an inpatient procedure. The surgery time will be approximately 2-4 hours while requiring general anesthesia. 

You’ll be in the hospital for about a day for close monitoring. After about 3-4 weeks, you’ll begin to look normal.

Fat Reduction surgery

With worldwide rates skyrocketing, obesity is now considered an epidemic in most countries. With the uptick of unhealthy diets and the lack of exercise, one could ensure with utmost certainty that obesity is ever-growing.

Obesity could contribute to a lot of metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and a lot more. Aside from that, too much fat could look unpleasant. If you want to lose fat fast, then fat reduction, surgery is right for you!

What you can expect before the procedure

Your doctor will inspect the areas of your body that need to undergo liposuction. These will include your thigh, arm, hip, waist, and abdomen. He or she will then mark circles and lines on the areas that need to be treated. Photos will also be taken as a reference when you have undergone the procedure.

What you can expect during the procedure

An anesthetic will be employed to numb the area or to induce a temporary state of unconsciousness. Anesthesia will either come in the form of local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In either case, you will be monitored closely, that is, your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels throughout the entire procedure.

If you are given local anesthesia, but you feel pain, inform the surgeon immediately so that additional anesthetic could be delivered directly.

The procedure will take about several hours, depending on the extent of fat to be removed.

What to expect after the procedure

After the procedure, it is reasonable to feel some pain, swelling, and a little bruising. Your doctor will prescribe pain relievers such as NSAIDs or paracetamol, to relieve the pain. Furthermore, a course of antibiotics will also be prescribed to avoid any infections happening on the site.

You will need to rest and avoid any strenuous activities. You will also need to have follow-ups with your doctor after several days up to a week.

Expect some contour irregularities in the area as the remaining fat will settle into position.

Types of liposuction

There are three main types of liposuction, namely, arm liposuction, thigh, and hip liposuction, and waist or abdomen liposuction.

Arm liposuction

This type of liposuction addresses the dreaded “flabby arm.” Because of the “flabby arm,” a lot of people get conscious, especially when they are in public. Toned arms are simply better than “flabby arms.” 

Fat is removed near the elbow through an incision. The surgeon or specialist removes the necessary fat.

Thigh and hip liposuction

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and genetics, fat can accumulate in the thigh and hip region. It could lead to disproportionate body dimensions and also insecurity when going out in public. If you have problems with this region, liposuction could help you. Regain the confidence of wearing those leggings and jeans again!

Following the procedure, you must know that your doctor will request you to wear compression garments to shape your body.

Waist or abdomen liposuction

Waist or abdomen fat is by far one of the most concerning fat accumulation to an individual. A sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and even genetics could also lead to this problem. 

Fat in the waist or abdomen could significantly affect your self-esteem and confidence, thus making the waist liposuction a good option for you. We recommend that you couple this with a tummy tuck for better results.

Breast Augmentation

With its ever-growing popularity, breast augmentation is now one of the most sought after procedures in Korea. A lot of women are dissatisfied with the appearance of the breasts due to several factors. If you’re one of those, then breast augmentation may be right for you!

Investment-wise, breast augmentation isn’t just done to improve your overall appearance, but it is also done to boost your confidence and self-esteem! Breast augmentation changes the way you dress and interact with other people. 

If you aren’t comfortable with how your breasts are, you could schedule a visit to a specialist’s office.

What you can expect before the surgery

Breast augmentation usually is an outpatient procedure that rarely requires hospitalization. That means you’ll probably go home on the same day. 

Most of the time, you’ll go into a surgical center and require general anesthesia, but in some cases, only local anesthesia is needed. Nonetheless, after recovery and after monitoring, you could safely go back home.

What to expect after the procedure

Expect to have soreness and to swell for the following weeks after surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medications and antibiotics to address the pain and to prevent any infections from occurring. 

You’ll also be asked to wear special garments to support your breasts. You also have to avoid any strenuous physical activity after the surgery and while you’re recovering. It could harm the results that you’ll get.

Types of breast implants

There are two types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Each type has its benefits. Rest assured, whichever one is chosen is the best for you.

Saline implants

Saline implants are a popular option. They are affordable and incredibly safe. You won’t have to worry if your implant ruptures since saline is a safe compound. Furthermore, saline implants are incredibly customizable. They aren’t filled, and you could decide on what dimensions you’d like them to be.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants are more durable compared to their saline counterparts. They have a lifetime warranty and are usually more preferred due to their feel.

Tummy tuck surgery

When it comes to tone your abdomen, liposuction sometimes could simply not cut it. If you are tired of having extra skin or fat in your belly and want a generally more toned and fit appearance, then a tummy tuck would be just right for you!

Types of tummy tuck

When it comes to tummy tuck, a lot of individuals just misinterpret it as one single procedure, but, in actuality, there are three basic types of tummy tuck. These include the mini tummy tuck, standard tummy tuck, and liposuction, and tummy tuck combination.

Mini tummy tuck

For minor cases that don’t require a lot of work, the mini tummy tuck is the right procedure for you. These include patients that have minimal amounts of excess skin and fat around their abdomens. It only requires minimal incisions.

Standard tummy tuck

Among the three types, the standard tummy tuck is the most common. In a standard tummy tuck, significant amounts of excess skin and fat are removed to achieve your goal. The result is a flatter abdominal area and a more toned look. However, this involves the creation of a new belly button.

Liposuction and tummy tuck combination

As you have guessed, this is the most drastic among the three types of tummy tuck. It includes performing liposuction to remove the fat rapidly and performing a tummy tuck to make the appearance tighter and flatter. 

You simply get the best of both worlds in this treatment option.

Anti - Aging surgery

Aging is a normal part of growing up. But, it’s more important to put emphasis that we must age like wine, that is, we need to age gracefully. Before, we had little control over how we age. But, with today’s advancements, we could already control how we age. Surgical and non-surgical options are already available to suit your needs.

Before the procedure

Each patient must be well-prepared for every procedure that they undergo. Therefore, a good conversation with your doctor regarding your procedure is a must.

You must meet with your doctor (cosmetic surgeon) to discuss what works well for you. An initial clinic visit is a necessity in this case. You will most likely undergo:

  • A review of your medical history. Your doctor will most probably ask you about your expectations regarding the surgery. He or she will most likely ask you if you have an account of bleeding; this could disqualify you from the procedure.
  • A physical exam. A physical exam is essential so that your doctor could assess the area that needs the procedure. Also, he or she will order several lab tests, such as blood tests.
  • A healthy discussion of the procedure. Each procedure carries its risks and benefits. You and your doctor must talk this through for both of you to weigh the pros and cons.

Furthermore, you will also be asked to do the following:

  • Stop taking any blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel, NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, and any other herbal supplement that can induce or hasten you to bleed.
  • Stop smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping can significantly diminish the healing time of the procedure.

What to expect during the procedure

Anti-aging surgery requires either the administration of local anesthesia with sedation (deep sleep), twilight anesthesia, or general anesthesia. It is generally decided by your doctor, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

After the procedure, you can be discharged if no complications arise, but you will most probably stay longer if any issues arise.

After the procedure

Expect that you’ll have swelling, especially in 2-3 days after surgery. It is normal, and it will eventually come down. Thus it is essential to apply ice packs to the area. Ice helps relieve swelling. Remember, ice is your friend. The more you use ice, the faster your healing process.

Remember also to take all your prescribed medications. Some medications help with pain, such as paracetamol and antibiotics, to avoid any unwanted infections from occurring.

Furthermore, avoid any form of smoking and vaping while you are still recovering. We can’t stress this enough that smoking and vaping delay the healing process. It can affect your recovery and even your results.


A facelift, otherwise known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that improves the overall appearance of your face, thus giving you a younger look. It reduces the sagging or folding appearance near your jawline that comes with age. 

During a facelift, the flaps of skin are pulled back on each side of the face, and the tissues below are modified to return the shape of the face to a more youthful and vibrant look. Before the flaps are sutured closed, excess skin is removed.

Neck lift

A neck lift or platysmaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat and skin around your jawline, giving your neck a more vibrant and youthful appearance.

The results are usually long, lasting, and extremely noticeable. It mostly has a high success rate, and the patient will look noticeably younger.

The result is a smoother skin around your neck. This procedure is usually done together with a facelift for better results.

Fat removal

Liposuction could also be performed in areas around the face; the most common is below your chin if you have a double chin.

Though the principle remains the same, liposuction around the face requires a more delicate procedure to avoid scarring and damage to the area. Manual liposuction is usually performed on smaller and more sensitive areas, while power-assisted liposuction is done on larger areas.

Fat addition

As we age, some areas of our face become less plump and look depressed. Areas like the cheeks, under the eyes, forehead, and mouth lines are familiar places where people lose fats. It contributes to the tired feeling that we associate with these people. 

Fat addition is usually done through fat grafting wherein body fat from another area of the body is processed and grafted into place. It is important to note that only half of the grafted fat remains after some time.


Aside from surgical procedures, there are also non-surgical options available on hand. An example of this is a botox injection. 

Botox, otherwise known as botulinum toxin A, comes from the toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, the one that causes the food poisoning called botulism.

Once a botox injection is inserted into the muscle, it blocks the nerves, thus immobilizing the area for some time. It is usually done to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eye, forehead, jaw, and reduce the size of calves.

The effects of a good botox injection last from 3-6 months, depending on the type of injection you use. 


To expand soft tissues, then a filler can be used, especially if you have depressions in your face. Traditionally, fillers are used to replace lost substances in the skin due to aging. However, it is best used for those dark circles under your eyes, to add height to the nose and chin, to reduce deep lines, and to fill in mouth lines. 

Temporary fillers are preferred over semi-permanent fillers as they could be dissolved with an anti-filter injection. But, semi-permanent fillers last up to 2-10 years and can only be removed surgically.

Thread lifting

If you’ve noticed that the skin on your face has started to sag and you don’t want to undergo surgery, then a non-surgical thread lifting would be an excellent option for you! What will happen is that dissolving threads will be placed on the areas of your facial skin that are sagging and will be pulled and tightened. The result is slightly tightened and lifted skin.

Laser skin tightening

For those wanting minimal pain, immediate results, and minimum waiting time after the procedure, then laser skin tightening may just work well for you!

It is akin to a non-surgical facelift by just using ultrasonic electrical impulse lasers that can tighten your skin and make you feel that you’ve turned back the years. Ultrasonic electrical impulse lasers will be shot into your skin layers, such as muscle and tissue. Your body will then increase its production of collagen to make your skin look more radiant and vibrant.

Though this does not compare to surgical lifting, it may just be enough if you want to see some results. The effects are best seen from 2-3 months and last approximately 6-12 months.

Stem cell therapy

Stem cell therapy is a highly specialized kind of treatment that is only done in specialized clinics. A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that can, later on, differentiate unto other types of cells that the body needs, in this case, skin cells. Stem cell therapy has a tremendous anti-aging effect on your appearance as well as your body. 

This kind of treatment is expensive, but, rest assured, it could make you look decades younger.

Male plastic surgery

The procedures of male plastic surgery are necessarily the same as women. However, you have to consider the preferences of a man over a woman. Men prefer to have more masculine looks while women opt for a more feminine appearance.

However, there are some specialized procedures that men usually want to undergo, that is, gynecomastia surgery, and calve implantation.

Gynecomastia surgery

Men with elevated levels of estrogen usually experience a condition called gynecomastia, the enlargement or increase of breast tissue. Men with this condition may feel insecure about their looks, with some even resorting to wearing a tight sports bra just to hide their breasts. It merely makes a man uncomfortable!

Gynecomastia surgery is also known as male breast reduction. It is a surgical procedure that corrects the enlarged breasts in men and makes it look more aesthetically pleasing, which is more masculine in appearance.

Calve implantation

If you want to have pumped calves to have a more masculine look, calve implantation may just be what you are looking for! 

This procedure involves the insertion of silicone implants into your calves; this will make your calves look more toned in appearance. It is important to note that there must be a delicate balance that must not be broken so that it will not look unnatural. Either way, the result is more masculine and toned calves.


Here at Clinic Search Korea, we pride ourselves by providing our customers with the best services they can find in Korea. We strictly adhere to our motto, “honesty, prudence, and consistency.” Our motto is not only a reflection of our values but also a testament to the service that we give our customers.

We offer free online consultation, a reliable clinic finder, and a  handy price calculator all just for you! Don’t also forget to check the treatment options that we offer, such as plastic surgery, skin treatment, dental services, cell therapy, hair treatment, and general hospital services. 

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