Protruding Chin Reduction

If your chin is protruding outwards, it can give you a long faced look. Typically, a long lower chin is often accompanied by showing too much of the gum line during smiling. The jaw is usually oversized and wide due to over development of the lower jaw. Usually, there is asymmetry in the jaw as well. There are three methods to correct this issue:
- Genio Osteotomy- this is when the chin is too long and a portion of the chin is removed to reduce the chin length. The chin is then slid backwards to achieve the right proportions.
- Lower Jaw Surgery-if the chin is jutting out too far then the lower portion near the ear can be removed and the jaw slid into position.
- Two Jaw Surgery-for very complex cases the upper and lower jaw must be worked on to improve their function and look. First, an upper jaw osteotomy is performed between the lower part of the nose and the upper teeth followed by a lower jaw osteotomy. The upper and lower jaws are moved into position and fixated on the bones in the correct position.
Surgery Time: 2-4 hours
Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
Hospitalization: 1-3 days
After Surgery Check-ups: 5
Recommended Minimum Time in Seoul: 14 days
Recovery Time to Normal Look: 4 weeks