The Most Sold Skin Treatment in Korea: Aqua Peel

Aqua Peel in Korea is the country’s most popular dermatology treatments for a great reason! Aqua peel skin treatment blast pores on your face with a water-based exfoliating gel and uses suction to extract blackheads and other skin gunks. It effectively pulls gunks out of the skin and removes blackheads while moisturizing the skin. Aqua Peel cleanses your skin and as a bonus, it’s a non-invasive skin treatment.

Aqua Peel sometimes is combined with other potent active ingredients to produce excellent results. Aqua Peel sloughs off dead cells by incorporating the natural exfoliating capacity of water with hydrogenated hyaluronic acid, a gently exfoliating non-harsh acid.

Furthermore, Aqua Peel is a natural remedy that has been proven effective in treating acne and skin imperfections. It is ideal for multiple skin types and addresses a wide variety of skin conditions, including acne, photodamage, inflammation, blackheads, and fine line wrinkles. It is probably one of the most versatile types of skincare.

The spiral tip on the machine provides specially formulated serums to treat several forms of skin. This unique trip allows for more infusions with less water. The four-step Aqua Peel consists of brushing, exfoliating, extracting, and hydrating, all without using abrasive materials. After the treatment, you will be able to return to normal activities.

We all know the rule of eight glasses a day and how clean and helpful water is to your skin. As the name suggests, Aqua Peel involves water and using water to drain your pores and removing cells from dead skin.


Demodex is a face mite. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis spend their days nestling against the surface of your scalp in your hair follicles, where you cannot see them.

Their main meal is sebum and dead skin cells. Sebum is greasy oil that the skin creates to protect yourself and keep it from drying out. The sebum is formed in sebaceous glands. That’s why your body’s greasiest sections, including those around your eyes, nose, and mouth, are likely to harbor a higher concentration of mites than other regions.

The mites can live for about two weeks. They spend their entire time deep in the pores. When people sleep, they move through the surface of the skin and to lay their eggs.

Demodex folliculorum mites breed very fast; they lay about 50 eggs at once and multiply within 60 days to about 13 million in size.

The average size of a Demodex mite is less than ten thousand per 1 cm of skin. Hundred thousand of these per 1 cm, however, may cause severe skin disorders. They hinder the skin’s ability to self-heal and lead to skin itchiness and dryness, accompanied by skin inflammation and acne.

What is Aqua Peel?

An Aqua Peel is a safe, multifaceted remedy for skin revitalization that suits all skin conditions.

Also, skin treatment removes dead skin cells and waste. It offers rehydration and adequate nutrients to return the skin to life. This operation is so delicate that it can be done before the laser.

The Aqua Peel works in four ways:

  1. Cleanse. Dead skin cells are collected by using gentle vacuum suction during the procedure, and the skin is cleansed.
  2. Peel. A mild chemical peel is applied, loosening skin debris and unblocking pores.
  3. Extract. It extracts debris from clogged pores without the need for manual extraction.
  4. Hydrate. The various serums and masks can be combined and injected into the skin, depending on the skin condition’s form and nature.

Aqua Peeling is a procedure that cleanses and purifies the skin. Chemical peels and acne treatments can dry out the skin, causing more skin damage. It causes oil glands to overproduce the oil on our face, which then blocks our pores. When the skin is too dry, the brain sends out instructions to keep it moisturized, thus making oil the ideal moisturizer.

Firstly, Aqua Peeling uses AHAs and BHAs to exfoliate the skin in our bodies. It means that dead cells and impurities are removed from the skin that our cells hold on. Our skin cells are ‘stuck’ in a sort of ‘glue’ formed by the cells that make our skin look like a continuous layer on our body.

In reality, the skin is made up of millions of cells bound together to protect the body in this way. When a skin cell dies in combination with other debris, they all could be stuck in this ‘glue.’

Alpha-hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are a group of acids commonly used in almost all cosmetic treatments. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are the most widely used for treating acne and exfoliating the skin. A further prominent effect is skin brightening achieved with ascorbic acid, commonly called vitamin C.

It is because AHAs possess incredible skin healing properties that affect the skin’s multiple layers. It is very beneficial when it comes to issues such as hyperpigmentation. It starts with the deep skin layers upward. Korea’s Aqua Peel harnesses those properties and combines them with BHAs.

Beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) resemble AHAs but vary in structure. The structure of the AHAs means they can dissolve fast in the water. It implies that dirt on the skin surface can be taken care of, but BHA can dissolve in oil. As a result, AHA and BHA are used to clean the skin as it almost removes the dirt from our bodies, enabling the Aqua Peel process to take its first phase.

Effects of Aqua Peel

Aqua peel in Korea is a treatment that goes beyond simple facial measures. It’s suggested for significant events like weddings, graduations, and other large occasions. It will offer the glow on those big days that people usually experience once in their lifetime. 

Because the results of this procedure last up to a month, it will be helpful to get it performed before the holiday, so the skin appears radiant in all the pictures from the vacation.

This skin treatment procedure is also known as a ‘lunchtime procedure’ due to how brief the skin treatment time is, and because virtually no downtime is needed. It would make it perfect for visitors looking to get lovely skin for their stay in Korea. 

The price is lower than peels like this in other countries due to the number of clinics that sell it in Korea, which keeps the cost down and is perfect for clients.

Aqua Peel skincare is painless when it comes to skin treatment in Korea. It does not utilize abrasive materials that can irritate your skin. Specific benefits of having an Aqua Peel over broader treatments include the following:

  • No downtime is required, thus allowing the patient to return to his or her daily activities immediately.
  • Risks associated with the use of abrasive skin exfoliation products are removed.
  • Outcomes after just one treatment are visible.
  • Topical solutions can be customized to match the individual needs of each patient.

An Aqua Peel can treat multiple skin conditions effectively. It includes acne, enlarged pores, aged skin, and a lot more. Aqua Peel in Korea can be used on all skin types.


How much is Aqua Peel in Korea?

Clinics in Korea offer packages with aqua peel in them or you can get aqua peel on its own.

Typically aqua peel in Korea can cost anywhere between $100 ~ $300. The price depends on the quality of the serum, the quality of the machine, the length of the procedure, and the skill of the person who is performing it.


Is this good for your skin?

In Korea, this skin treatment procedure is typically combined with other treatments. A typical injection with which it is coupled is the hydrating injection, which injects hyaluronic acid into your skin. The acid helps the skin look damp and feel heavily moisturized. So, indeed, your skin will be benefiting from the treatment.

Which skin type do you recommend to get Aqua Peel?

Aqua Peel is divided into AHA (water-soluble), and BHA (fat-soluble). Therefore, this procedure can be performed on any skin type. However, if the skin has severe acne, this treatment is not recommended. 

How often should I get Aqua Peel?

You can get an Aqua Peel treatment once every 3 to 4 weeks to enjoy the best results.


In Korea, Aqua Peel is considered a widely popular skin treatment procedure to cater to your skincare needs. Employing the aid of mild chemicals such as AHAs and BHAs together with vacuum suction, it is sure to get all the gunk and debris away from your skin!

Going deeper into the skin’s layers, this is superior to plain chemical peels. The result is a more vibrant, youthful, and radiant skin that is sure to get anybody’s attention!

If you think you need an Aqua Peel, don’t hesitate to go to Korea. Read more about other skin treatments on the website!