Under Eye Fat Repositioning & Grafting

As we age, fat clumps under our eyes and creates bags. In some people, fat can dissipate and create depressions which leads to dark circles. This causes us to look older, more tired and appear unhealthy. Under-eye fat repositioning releases the clumped fat through an internal incision and then spreads out that fat to create a younger, healthier and more vibrant look. Under eye fat grafting takes your fat from either your tummy through the belly button or from the back of the thigh. The fat is processed and grafted it into depressed areas.
Please note that in most cases, doctors prefer to use back of the thigh fat as it tends to last longer and be more effective than belly fat when being repositioned under the eye. This procedure can be done alone or in combination are among the most effective anti-aging procedures with results immediately seen after the removal of the taping (usually after 5 days). There is no external incision or stitch. It is all done on the inside of the lower eyelid.
Surgery Time: 30 mins
Anesthesia: Twilight anesthesia
Hospitalization: You can leave the clinic after 1 hours
After Surgery Check-ups: 2
Recommended Minimum Time in Seoul: 5 days
Recovery Time to Normal Look: 1-2 weeks
Recovery Time to Full Setting: 4-6 months