The surgical procedure by which fat is moved from one region of the body to another is called fat grafting. It is likewise known as fat transfer or fat injection. To improve the volume or to enlarge the region where the fat is injected is the primary surgical objective. The strategy and technique to this include fat extraction through liposuction, handling, and processing the extracted fat, and afterward, reinjecting the purified fat into the areas requiring improvement.
Since the 1990s, plastic surgeons have dependably utilized fat grafting as an approach to improve and upgrade the corrective appearance of the face, breast, hands, feet, hips, and buttocks. Notwithstanding, more as of late, doctors have reported the remedial advantages of fat grafting in wound healing and scars, just as fat’s capacity to fix the harm to breast tissue following radiation treatment.
The first-ever ‘fat grafting’ technique goes back to the late nineteenth century in 1893 when a German plastic surgeon, Gustav Neuber, moved fat from the arm to the eye area to address scars shaped from osteomyelitis or a bone infection.
Just two years after the fact, in 1895, Dr. Viktor Czerny, moved a lipoma to the breast to set up balance following a unilateral partial mastectomy.
In any case, fat grafting experienced difficulty picking-up acknowledgment during the following 100 years because of the numerous challenges that routinely went with the procedure. Present-day liposuction strategies and techniques had not yet been created or standardized, and the obtained fat was in low quality, which yielded poor outcomes following the procedure.
Since the 1990s, plastic surgeons have continually utilized fat grafting as an approach to manage, improve, and upgrade the appearance of the face, chest, hands, feet, hips, and buttocks.