Non-surgical Method To Remove Fat (Fat dissolving injection)

Are you currently having problems with your face or body that seems to have extra fat? Or are you the type of person that no matter how much you stick to a healthy diet and exercise, your face and trouble areas remain the same way; fat and rounded. It often seems that you are helpless. Your face and trouble areas don’t match your weight and body shape even when resorting to conservative home remedies

You may find yourself going into the rabbit hole when doing a Google search about different home remedies for getting rid of those excess fats in your face, especially the neck and chin areas. While most of them work, you may sometimes find that those remedies don’t work for you!

There’s no need to fret because, with today’s technological advancements in aesthetic medicine, you can get rid of those fats easily and quickly through fat dissolving injections.

If you want to get rid of those extra fats on your trouble areas, but don’t want to have an invasive surgical procedure, keep on reading to learn more about the non-surgical method to remove fat.

How do you remove your fat non-surgically?

To remove your fat non-surgically, the most effective method so far is through fat dissolving injection, otherwise known as injection lipolysis or Kybella. 

Injection lipolysis employs a non-surgical method in treating trouble areas most commonly beneath the chin. It reduces excess fat in the area where it is injected. 

Each treatment roughly takes about 15 to 20 minutes; thus, it is quick and easy. It uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid.

In terms of safety and efficacy, injection lipolysis or Kybella was already approved by the US FDA in 2015. It is a popular alternative to an invasive surgical procedure like liposuction.

In a clinical trial, roughly 82 percent of participants in the said trial reported that they were significantly satisfied with the results and appearance of a fat removing injection. In that same trial, it was found that fat removing injections were both safe and effective in treating excess fat in their trouble areas.

What is a fat dissolving injection?

Fat dissolving injections can also be known by terms such as non-surgical chin lift and contouring. Unlike liposuction, which is an invasive surgical procedure, a fat removal injection is a non-invasive treatment that reduces small fatty deposits. The medically appropriate term for this is injection lipolysis.

The first injection in the market approved by the US FDA in 2015 is named Kybella, which is sometimes called Belkyra. It is composed of a synthetic derivative of a  compound naturally produced by the body that dissolves fat, that is, deoxycholic acid.

Through the years, fat removing injections has steadily gained traction in many countries around the world. Contrary to popular belief, fat removing injections are not only applicable to the face area, but it could be used in other areas of the body as well. These include areas such as the knees, ankles, thighs, hips, upper arms, and even male breasts!

How do fat dissolving injection work?

Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid. It is naturally produced by the body to help it absorb fat. Fat removing injections use a synthetic derivative of deoxycholic acid in the form of an injection. Once injected to the treatment site, the bile acid destroys the underlying fat cells so that it can’t store ft anymore. It is crucial that you only should have the injection done by trained healthcare professionals to avoid any complications that may happen.

Before the treatment begins, your healthcare provider will mark the binding treatment sites with a marker and will administer a topical anesthetic or ice pack to mitigate any pain and discomfort that may happen to the area. In the chin area, for example, usually 20 to 30, and even 50 injections are used. The deoxycholic acid then works steadily by killing fat cells, which are metabolized by the body over several weeks.

Treatment sessions usually vary from person to person, depending on the person. Most of the time, you would need multiple treatments to see satisfactory and optimal results. For Kybella treatments, you can receive up to six treatments with one month in between each session.

Who is the right candidate for fat dissolving injection?

Usually, anybody with trouble areas that contain excess fat in their body is a perfect candidate. Therefore, it’s merely practicable and easily accessible to most patients in a healthcare provider or doctor’s clinic. However, individuals with loose skin or poor tone are not suitable for this kind of procedure.

How do you prepare for fat dissolving injections?

It is essential to plan your fat dissolving injection treatment with your healthcare provider. A thorough consultation is usually recommended for you to make sure you are the right candidate for the procedure and to discuss the outcomes and expectations of the procedure. 

You have to discuss your medical history, including any cosmetic procedures that you had done in the past. If you have bleeding or swallowing problems, it is imperative for you to tell your healthcare provider. It is to ensure that your treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or are planning to become pregnant soon, inform your healthcare provider about this to avoid any complications.

Being a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure in nature, there is often little to no preparation required for fat removing injections. However, it is advised that you schedule the treatment procedure well before any significant events.

What is the average cost of fat dissolving injections in Korea?

Fat dissolving injections vary in price among different clinics. If you have a more extensive budget, you could always opt for Kybella injections. Kybella injections are a registered fat removing injection brand specially designed for treating excess fat below the chin. 

On average, Kybella injections usually cost about 1200 USD to 1800 USD per session. Though some clinics in Korea may charge as low as 300 USD to 800 USD, many factors can cause the price of the injection to vary – the main factor is the quality of the healthcare provider’s work and the quality of the injection.

In the plastic surgery arena, cheaper does not necessarily mean better. Factors such as treatment area size, number of sessions, geographic location, and premium fees all contribute to the price of the treatment. 

No matter the cost of your treatment, make sure that an experienced healthcare provider with reputable credentials is doing the procedure.

Results and recovery

One of the key benefits to a fat dissolving injection is that it does not have any significant downtime for recovery. It is normal to feel redness, swelling, and minimal pain and discomfort in the treatment area. It will disappear and heal in a matter of time.

It can take six to eight weeks for you to notice the results thoroughly. The good news is that the treatment lasts for an extensive amount of time as long as the patient maintains his or her weight.

Are they permanent?

Fat dissolving injections last for an extensive amount of time. Therefore the patient does not have to worry about any repeated treatment for the time being. However, despite all this, it is not permanent. It is, however, a semi-permanent procedure.

How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions that you need much depends on the size of the area being treated and your desired results. Individuals vary in the number of sessions that they need, but for most cases, you may need to have up to six sessions to get your desired results.

Nonetheless, a good conversation with your doctor can help you address these concerns ahead of time.


What are the benefits of a fat dissolving injection?

One of the significant benefits of a fat dissolving injection is that it is non-surgical and non-invasive in nature. Therefore, the associated risks of surgery, take liposuction in that case, is greatly diminished. 

Fat dissolving injections offer a quick and easy way to remove your excess fats in your trouble areas with little to no downtime and complications

Do fat dissolving injections hurt?

You would be given a topical anesthetic and ice pack to numb the area to be treated by a fat dissolving injection. In this case, you won't be able to feel any pain. However, after the procedure, you may or may not feel any pain and discomfort. 

What are the reasons why patients want fat dissolving injections?

As a viable alternative to liposuction, fat dissolving injections can give results that can be roughly similar to liposuction minus the side effects.

This might be the procedure that they need for patients who want a non-invasive and non-surgical approach to treating their excess fat.


Fat dissolving injections offer a quick and easy way to remove your excess fat in the face area and even in other parts of the body! Being an effective and safer alternative to surgical procedures to liposuction, it merely is a groundbreaking feat that medicine has achieved.

If you want to get rid of your excess fat without undergoing an invasive surgical procedure, then fat dissolving injections might be for you!

For more information, visit Clinic Search Korea now.