Get Dental Treatment in Korea

Dental treatment in Korea is well known for its high standards, state-of-the-art dental equipment, and highly qualified dentists. Beautiful smiles are considered essential and highly valued. 

With highly sophisticated dental technology in Korea, it is nonetheless easy to improve your smile with very minimal time and hassle. 

Beautiful smiles are one of the most important elements of facial beauty; thus, dental health is undoubtedly significant.

It is a known fact that many people around the world travel over to Korea every year to obtain top-notch dental care from our highly esteemed dentists. Factors such as affordable treatment prices to quality results influence customers to fly to Korea to have treatments like whitening, and a lot more!

If you want to have a beautiful smile, get dental treatment in Korea now!


Your dentist could perform a dental restoration procedure. Simply put, this is a procedure wherein your dentist replaces or restores missing teeth or missing parts of the entire tooth.

Your tooth structure can get damaged due to decay, deterioration or previous restorations, or fracture of a tooth due to trauma, aging, and cavitation.

Getting your tooth repaired in Korea is easy. There are several ways a dentist could perform a dental restoration procedure. These include removing the damaged parts of your teeth and the restoration of your overall teeth structure. Aging, cavitation, and tooth fracture are the most common factors that lead you to undergo a dental restoration procedure.

Different examples of restoration treatments include:


Fillings are the most common type of dental restoration. Your teeth will be filled with materials ranging from gold or silver amalgams to plastic and glass materials called composite resin fibers.


Crowns are named as crowns since they are placed on the top of your tooth. It is a tooth-shaped ‘cap’ that is placed over the tooth. The reasons for doing so are to restore and retain the shape and size of a tooth, confer strength and appearance, hold a dental bridge in its position, or to cover a dental implant.


Bridges are false teeth intended to fill the gap produced by one or more missing teeth. Bridges are supported by crowns on either side and cemented firmly in place.


Sometimes, your tooth roots need to be replaced. It is where dental implants come in. It is just a small post made of a combination of different metals, most popular being titanium. It is placed into the bone socket where your teeth are missing.

After the procedure, the implant will then be covered by a crown. However, it may need a crown preparation called an abutment before being with a crown.


You might need dentures when you need a temporary replacement for your missing teeth and its underlying layers. This type of dental restoration replaces all your teeth. 

However, partial dentures, on the other hand, are utilized when there are still natural teeth that remain. Secure metal clasps attach these to your natural teeth.

Dentures are usually made of acrylic resin with metal fittings.

Direct and Indirect Dental Restoration

Dental restoration could be either direct or indirect depending on the nature of your dental problem. Your dentist will decide which of the two is appropriate for you.

Direct Dental Restoration

Direct dental restoration is a more straightforward procedure that is often done only in one dentist visit. Fillings for cavities are the most common direct dental restoration done by dentists. 

Patient preferences and cavity location are two key factors that will decide what the patient’s right filling is. Your dentist will determine what is best for you.

Because direct dental restoration is more straightforward and more comfortable to perform and carry out, the dental issue could be addressed and resolved immediately.

Indirect Dental Restoration

Indirect tooth restoration involves a personalized tooth replacement in the form of crowns, onlays, or inlays. The crown covers the whole surface of the tooth, and the inlay is between the cusps of the teeth and either one or two cusps of the tip or half of the surface of the chewing. Indirect tooth restoration can take over one hospital visit, as the inlay or onlay is made in the lab. Crowns, inlays, and onlays may consist of a wide variety of materials. Gold is still used for some inlays, but white teeth, porcelain, and dent-colored ceramic resins have other options.

Crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, inlays, and onlays are what constitute indirect dental restoration. They are more involved in nature and therefore require more dentist visits to achieve your desired results. These often require multiple and complex procedures to be performed in your dentist’s office.

Indirect dental restorations compared to direct dental restorations usually, if not most, often require parts manufactured from a dental lab. Dental labs could either be on the dental office itself or are sent out to other dental labs offsite. It is because of the making of the needed restoration that necessitates several visits to your dentist.

Your dentist will place a temporary restoration while the actual is being made to prevent any complication from your dental issues.

Once your customized dental restoration arrives, your dentist will attach the restoration in place using a specialized dental bonding paste.

Due to the rapid advancements in dental technology such as CAD and CERC machines and 3-D imaging, a few dental restorations could now be performed in just one dentist visit.

Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal)

Endodontic treatment, otherwise known as root canal treatment, is a dental procedure used to relieve dental pain and save your teeth from unwanted damage. When inflammation or infection is present in the roots of your tooth, it is necessary to undergo endodontic treatment. 

During the procedure, an endodontist, a highly specialized and trained dentist that treats tooth pain and performs a root canal, surgically removes the pulp inside your tooth, cleans, and disinfects, and shapes the root canal, and fills the space to seal it in.

If your dentist has recommended that you undergo endodontic treatment for your damaged tooth, there is no reason to worry about it. Undergoing endodontic treatment will even save you much trouble in the future!

Modern treatments are focused on pain relief and are less painful. After the procedure, you’ll be able to laugh, smile, and chew in less time than ever before!

Teeth Whitening

White teeth and beautiful smiles are what everyone wants. Smoking and drinking dark-colored beverages like coffee, tea, or cola can discolor the teeth faster than if you are not making these habits. 

Teeth whitening should be done only by professionals for it to be performed correctly. The wrong teeth whitening methods could cause unwanted damage to your teeth. Laser teeth whitening is the fastest way to whiten your teeth.

Home whitening kits are the best way to keep your teeth white after laser teeth whitening. Your dentist will give you whitening creams or teeth bleach together with the home whitening kits.

Simply add your teeth bleach to your mouthguard and wear it for at least four hours or wear it when you are sleeping at night. Whitening creams last about 10-14 days on average, and a noticeable change in the color of your teeth could be seen. 

Home whitening kits are the simplest and easiest way to keep your teeth white after the laser teeth whitening session.


Dental veneers are a thin layer of a tooth-like material that gets glued over a prepared tooth. Veneers need to match the measurements in our mouth precisely. Usually, patients that you get veneers in sets 4, 6, and 8 per bridge to match the balance.

If you have any existing dental problems, first, the underlying issues need to be resolved before getting veneers. To get dental veneers, you can stay in Seoul for less than one week, because sometimes it takes a few days for your gum to heal before we can make veneers.

There are two veneer types: prep and no-prep veneers. 

Prep veneers are made by removing the original tooth so that the veneer can be put on top of it. 

Porcelain is usually the base material used for veneers. There are cheaper variants in the veneer that come in a non-prep shape, such as resin veneers. Resin is a thin mixture of glass and plastic, hardened by UV rays. They usually last for less than a year and yield abysmal results. Porcelain veneers last an average of 12 years, but with the proper dental care, they can last longer. Sometimes more expensive materials such as zirconia are used. 


Braces are the best way to fix crooked teeth, bite problems, and other alignment issues. Thanks to modern technology, some braces are less visible such as the lingual braces. 

Lingual braces are installed behind teeth, which are entirely hidden. They are bound to the back of the teeth. 

You may need to stay in Korea for a bit of a time to finish the whole braces treatment for your teeth.


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten the teeth without using conventional metal braces. 

Invisalign has quickly revolutionized the orthodontics industry. Patients now have another alternative alongside hideous metal braces. Invisalign involves wearing a series of specially made clear plastic aligners that can help you push your teeth to the right position. Patients who had never contemplated braces before are now taking a chance in using Invisalign.

In some cases, Invisalign is the ideal treatment choice. Patients can reliably predict the exact time, run computer-simulated models, and build all the correct aligners. Invisalign is not as expensive as you might think, as pricing is very fair in Korea.


Missing teeth are aesthetically and functionally a considerable problem. Often, it can also lead to substantial bone loss in the jaw. Implants can solve missing teeth problems. 

If the bone in the area is inadequate, a bone graft is required. An abutment, the implant post, gets put after the bone graft. The crown can then be raised above it. 

To achieve longer-lasting dental implants, time, and sophisticated dentistry is required.


Dental treatment in Korea is becoming a phenomenon for patients from countries where cosmetic and restorative dental facilities are too costly. Hundreds of dental tourists come to Korea every year to enhance their overall oral health and aesthetics. 

Implants, crowns, and veneers are the most common treatments. Regional doctors and surgeons have universal accreditation. Thanks to comprehensive research and continuing education, they remain ahead in their fields. 

Korean clinics offer state-of-the-art technology that enables accurate diagnosis, pain relief or reduction, and accelerates recovery. Hygienic regulation in Korean hospitals and clinics is very tight. 

If you want to learn more about dental treatments in Korea, contact us!