How To Treat Wrinkles with HIFU

Wrinkles usually are the bane of every individual. Lines are prominent in older individuals though wrinkles could happen at any age! It could be brought about by stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Bad habits, such as smoking or vaping, could tremendously increase wrinkles!

HIFU or high-intensity focused ultrasound is a cosmetic procedure that has been gaining traction due to its ability to produce results that are akin to facelifts!

HIFU is a relatively new procedure that has recently found its niche in the cosmetic industry. It is widely known as a noninvasive and painless substitute for facelift surgery.  By using ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production, it results in firmer and plumper skin.

HIFU was first utilized in the medical field for treating tumors. It was not until 2008 that it was first known to be used in aesthetic medicine.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2009 approved its use for brow lifts. It was then cleared in 2014 to improve lines and wrinkles of the upper chest and neckline.

HIFU was found to be safe and effective for reducing wrinkles and facial lifting. According to the results of several small-scale clinical trials, the subjects were able to notice results a few months after treatment. All this without the risks associated with an invasive procedure!

As for now, younger people are more suitable candidates for HIFU. Due to its risks and recovery time, young people who don’t want to undergo facelift surgery are welcome to undergo HIFU treatment.

One crucial caveat exists. However, HIFU won’t work as well in people with extreme cases of sagging skin. In this case, facelift surgery is often recommended.

What is HIFU?

HIFU or high-intensity focused ultrasound uses the energy from ultrasound to penetrate deep into the skin layers below the skin’s surface. The effect of ultrasound energy is the heating up of the underlying tissues.

It is known that cellular damage results from the use of HIFU. It happens because when cells reach a specific temperature, they experience damage. Though this seems antithetical to our purpose of treating your wrinkles, this damage, in reality, stimulates collagen production. Collagen confers structure to our skin. The more collagen present in our skin, the firmer your skin is.

The good thing about HIFU is that since the high-frequency ultrasound beams are directed on specific tissue sites below the skin’s surface. There would be no damage present to the upper layers of the skin and its neighboring tissues.

Not everyone may be the right candidate for HIFU. As a rule of thumb, HIFU works well on individuals older than 30 with mild-to-moderate sagging of the skin. 

People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results.

In individuals with a high degree of skin sagging or with photodamaged skin, they may need several HIFU treatments to get the results that they want.

In older individuals, the degree of photo-aging and sagging will be higher, thus they may not be good candidates. Either way, this doesn’t mean that HIFU is ineffective in all patients. There are just individuals more suited for the procedure. 

Individuals with open wounds at the treatment site, cystic acne, and metallic implants in the treatment site are contraindicated.

Effects of HIFU

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) has reported that HIFU, together with other noninvasive facial procedures, has gained a significant increase in popularity in recent years. Facelifts, though effective, have seen a serious competitor in the market. It is because people want minimal recovery times and downtimes. ASAPS has reported a 64.8 percent increase in noninvasive procedures between 2012 and 2017.

HIFU not only carries the benefit of being noninvasive but also has several aesthetically pleasing benefits such as:

  • smoothing the skin
  • wrinkle reduction
  • lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids
  • tightening sagging skin on the neck (sometimes called turkey neck)
  • tightening of the décolletage (the low neckline on a women’s top)
  • enhancing jawline definition

According to a 2017 study involving 32 Korean people, the subjects demonstrated that their skin elasticity on their cheeks, thighs, and lower abdomen improved drastically. The results of this study are promising.

Furthermore, in a more extensive study comprising 93 people, after 90 days of treatment, 66 percent of subjects treated with HIFU reported an improvement in their overall appearance.

It could be safe to say that HIFU is indeed beneficial to the appropriate candidates. With several studies to back this up, HIFU is an effective and safe alternative to surgical facelifts.

Different brands of HIFU

There are several brands of HIFU. However, three brands have caught our attention due to a lot of positive reviews that they have received. These include Shurink, Dublo, and Ulthera.

Shurink HIFU

Shurink is a HIFU brand. It is an anti-aging procedure that utilizes the same principle of using ultrasound waves. 

It is usually employed to lift and tighten the face giving way to a vibrant and youthful glow. It is also used to slim the body to give way to a slimmer figure. 

Shurink HIFU transducers are designed for remodeling and stimulating collagen production. In this manner, they remove or, at the very least, reduce wrinkles, remove sagging skin, and tighten tissues to show off your natural figure. 

The advantages of Shurink HIFU is noteworthy. It applies to all skin types and tones, and it only takes 15 – 20 minutes with NO downtime! Furthermore, no pre- or post-treatment skincare is required! Quick and long-lasting results are guaranteed!

Doublo HIFU

Doublo HIFU is another HIFU brand. This novel HIFU device will improve the aging of the skin by making a selective thermal coagulative zone in the skin’s SMAS layer. It is done without any damage to any neighboring tissues of the skin.

Compared to other rejuvenation devices, Doublo HIFU can rejuvenate deeper areas more efficiently. Others even liken it to being a real face lifting device!

Considering factors such as safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, Doublo will be the preferred choice.

Ulthera HIFU

Ultherapy is also considered as a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift. By stimulating collagen production, this FDA-cleared technology counteracts signs of aging like skin sagging and wrinkles in the face, neck, and chest. It gives a more radiant and youthful look afterward.

Ultherapy also utilized focused ultrasound energy to target and penetrate areas beneath the skin. By using the specific temperature, it supports and stimulates collagen production. 

The energy from the machine is targeted at three varying layers, such as the muscle, the skin, and the superficial wrinkles.

The stimulation and support of collagen production results in firmer and tighter skin with less sagging and wrinkles.

How much is the average HIFU price in Korea?

The HIFU price in Korea ranges from $1500 to $3000.The cost will largely depend on the area where you are being treated as well as the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results. 

HIFU is significantly cheaper than what you have to pay compared to a facelift, which costs between $7000 ~ $11000.

How long does the result last?

Some individuals report immediate results from the HIFU treatment; however, the lifting and toning results are 2 to 3 months after the procedure. During this period, old collagen is gradually replaced by new collagen, which has a higher level of elasticity.

As collagen continues to be produced, improvements to the treatment area can be seen up to 6 months after the procedure.

Results could be seen for over a year. It could well go on for another year, depending on your skin condition. 

Is there any downtime?

There is virtually NO downtime from the HIFU procedure. It is due to the noninvasive nature of the procedure.

You can return to your normal activities right away, and no post-operative care procedures are needed. This is the reason why HIFU is dubbed as the “lunchtime facial.”


Can I get HIFU on other parts of the body?

Yes, you could get HIFU treatment on other parts of your body. HIFU addresses mild to moderate loose or sagging skin. 

By stimulating and remodeling collagen production, this renews the skin inside-out. HIFU usually addresses the face area but can also be used in other areas of the skin.

HIFU can address areas such as the neck, chest, arms, elbows, abdomen, inner thighs, and knees with the same rate of effectiveness and safety.

How often should I get HIFU to see any result?

The vast majority of patients usually only need one treatment to see noticeable results. However, some patients may need to undergo several procedures. Depending on the degree of skin sagging and photodamage, you may need more than one HIFU treatment to see noticeable results.


HIFU has earned its spot as a safe, effective, and noninvasive procedure that can be considered as an alternative to a surgical facelift.

The mounting evidence and advantages over a surgical facelift are difficult to disregard. No surgeries, no scars, and no recovery time will be required in this treatment. Another pearl is that it is drastically less expensive than a surgical facelift.

Most patients see the full results of treatment in just three months after the procedure!

If you’re looking for a great alternative to a facelift that is quick, painless, and noninvasive, HIFU may be just for you!

Visit Clinic Search Korea for more information.