Platelet-Rich Plasma Skin Treatment in Korea

Platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy is an ever-increasing popular skin treatment option in Korea. Platelet-rich plasma treatment in Korea is a popular option for those wanting a non-invasive treatment with a natural outcome and minimal downtime after the procedure. 

Skin treatment is necessary because, as we age, our skin’s ability to generate collagen and maintain hydration diminishes considerably. Our skin takes on more damage due to the combined sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Being a treatment that started as a method to improve the healing process for sports injuries, platelet-rich plasma therapy has slowly found its niche in the dermatology industry. Platelet-rich plasma therapy is becoming more commonplace in Korea. Many people from across the globe flock to Korea to get it! 

Plasma is the most significant component of our blood, that comprises an estimated 55% of the entire blood volume. Antibodies, water, salt, enzymes, and other nutrients are present in blood plasma. It is also where the other blood cells are suspended, which includes the platelets.

Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are essential in the process of clot formation. Platelet-rich plasma is a type of derived plasma that contains high platelet content. This procedure involves removing other blood cells such as red blood cells and white blood cells and obtaining the platelet-rich plasma.

Platelet-rich plasma is combined with other ingredients. It is then injected into the treatment site to stimulate the production of collagen, promote tissue repair, and hasten cell growth.

Platelet-rich plasma treatment is becoming a popular choice for giving the healing process of your skin a more natural and inside-out feeling. 

Platelet-rich plasma treatment in Korea has been dubbed as the “vampire” boost. It is because it is a straightforward blood-based filler solution. This procedure helps your skin regenerate and become more youthful and vibrant.

What is platelet-rich plasma skin treatment?

What is precisely in platelet-rich plasma skin treatment that makes it so popular for many patients?

Platelet-rich plasma is a facial renewal procedure that uses your plasma to stimulate the development of collagen and movement of cells. It, therefore, removes lines, folds, and wrinkles in your face. The effects of platelet-rich plasma therapy are natural and subtle and can last for as long as two years.

What makes this type of treatment so unique is that it is minimally invasive and has a zero chance of causing any allergic reaction. Furthermore, aside from your face, it could treat virtually any part of your body without any side effects. It is perfect for patients who may not be qualified or are not comfortable with having injectable fillers.

Skin treatment includes re-injecting your platelet-rich plasma into your skin. It delivers an injection of growth factors that activate the body’s normal healing process and help you achieve full renewal.

By using your blood, this treatment is incredibly safe. Your blood will be extracted and enriched without any chemicals or additives. It will then be re-injected to your face using several tiny injections. 

The advantage of this procedure is that your skin will regenerate using its healing properties. Improved skin strength, less sun damage, and enhanced skin hydration are also crucial advantages of this procedure.

What are platelets?

Platelets are essential components of your blood that are also known as thrombocytes. They are responsible for the formation of blood clots if a blood vessel wall becomes injured.

The platelets rush at the site of the injury because of cellular signals released by the damaged blood vessels. They eventually form a clot or ‘plug’ by clumping together with other clotting factors.

Who needs platelet-rich plasma treatment?

Individuals who have age spots, wrinkles, scarring, and hyperpigmentation issues are perfect candidates for PRP treatment. Compared with traditional micro-needling (a dermaroller which uses tiny needles to prick the skin), PRP treatment can fix those issues faster.

For this type of procedure, most patients are good candidates. However, patients with contraindications to PRP skin treatment may not be qualified.

Although platelet-rich plasma treatment may sound like something straight out of a science-fiction book, some patients find that platelet-rich plasma skin treatment can minimize wrinkles, and do a lot more.

Although platelet-rich plasma skin treatment is considered safe for most people, it is not approved for those with one of the following medical conditions:

People with the following medical conditions are not qualified to get PRP treatment. These include individuals with:

  • Hepatitis C
  • HIV or AIDS
  • Any form of cancer of the blood
  • Cardiovascular disease requiring a blood thinner
  • Skin cancer in the region to be treated
  • If you are pregnant
  • Whether you use or have recently been using Accutane for acne
  • If you still have persistent acne that contributes to new scarring
  • Whether you have other skin disorders, such as facial eczema or rosacea
  • If you have a history of slow wound healing
  • Whether you have had skin radiation in the last 12 months

These conditions affect your platelets, rendering them unable to produce your desired results.

Your doctor will review your medical history to decide whether you are a successful candidate for platelet-rich plasma treatment.


Collection of Blood

Between 15 to 50 mL of blood will be drawn from your vein during the procedure. This process is similar to giving blood for a routine blood test.

A collection needle will be inserted into a vein in the arm, and blood will be collected in a collection tube. 

Centrifugation of Blood

A machine that spins at high speeds is called a centrifuge. The spinning motion physically separated the components of the blood that have varying densities. It is expected that more substantial parts such as red blood cells and white blood cells will be located at the bottom. In contrast, lighter components such as plasma and platelets will be found at the top.

Processing and collection of platelets

Platelet-rich plasma contains approximately five times the amount of platelets present in regular blood, about 200 000 platelets per milliliter. The 3 to 7 mL of platelet-rich plasma will be collected in a syringe to be administered immediately to the treatment site. 

Injection of PRP into the treatment area

With the use of an ultrasound probe, the final syringe containing the 3 to 7 mL of PRP will be injected into the treatment area. 


There is no downtime for this procedure. Recovery is reasonably minimal for the treatment. If you wish, you may go back to school or work the next day.


Korea has gained a reputation as one of the best medical tourism destinations. It provides excellent medical care in the field of plastic surgery. Internationally certified health care facilities are located in major cities like Seoul. Surgeons and doctors in South Korea provide local as well as foreign patients with high-class care and experience, and most of them have been trained in Europe and the US.

Choosing to have PRP in Korea would cost from $500 up to $1000. After the first consultation, the surgeon will be able to give you the final price when he or she determines what type of procedure is needed, how long it will take, what materials will be used, and many more.

Whether you’re from another country and want platelet-rich plasma treatment in Korea, you can also take advantage of the many packages provided to foreign patients, including airport pick-up, hotel and clinic transportation, pre- and post-operative treatment, case manager, interpreter, and even accommodation.


You should expect mild swelling, a varying degree of bruising, and redness for 12-24 hours. However, some customers may experience a headache. Areas treated should be mildly red and swollen for up to 3 days following treatment. The best results can be seen after the six weeks, as collagen develops. Follow-up sessions may be required to preserve the strength, elasticity, and plumpness of the skin up to three times a year.

You could go back to your regular activities after PRP therapy almost immediately. The site may look as if you have suffered a sprain. As the injury site fills up with fluid, it is reasonable to think that the area is tender and swollen. The pain reliever paracetamol is preferred over NSAIDs since it does not exhibit antiplatelet effects.


Does platelet-rich plasma skin treatment hurt?

Platelet-rich plasma treatment may require a certain degree of pain to be tolerated. The level of pain will largely depend on how well you manage the pain. 

Your dermatologist will take all the necessary measures to make you feel relaxed during the procedure. He or she will let you take pain medications before and after the treatment to mitigate any pain.

Can I expect a result after just one session of plasma-rich plasma skin treatment?

There is no assurance that you can get a result with just after one session of the skin treatment. It would possibly take multiple therapies to see outcomes.

Once you complete your treatment course, you will need to follow up with your doctor to achieve your desired results, depending on the reason for your diagnosis.


Platelet-rich plasma therapy may just be perfect for you if you are experiencing any hyperpigmentation issues, or you wish to have a youthful vibe to your face. If you are thinking about getting a PRP treatment, always seek the professional advice of a board-certified dermatologist. These doctors are specially trained to do these types of procedures. 

Talk to your doctor to address your concerns about PRP. Bear in mind that a good conversation with your doctor could solve all your worries and concerns about the procedure.

Visit Clinic Search Korea for more information.