Ultrasonic fat cavitation

Non-surgical Method To Remove Fat (Ultrasound fat cavitation)

Perhaps one of the most important goals that you set every new year is losing weight. However, weight loss is not just merely a goal nowadays, but rather an entire industry. Finding the right non-surgical fat reduction in Korea may sometimes be tricky. However, we at Clinic Search Korea are always ready to help our customers and clients. 

One treatment that may help you achieve your desired weight and slim you down is ultrasonic fat cavitation, a viable non-surgical fat reduction method in Korea. But, what is ultrasonic fat cavitation? How can it help you with your weight loss goals?

Ultrasonic fat cavitation uses ultrasonic waves (low-frequency sound waves) to destroy your fat cells. It results in a noticeable loss of inches on the areas that are treated and ultimately results in a reduction in your figure.

Ultrasonic fat cavitation has steadily gained traction over the past few years due to its non-invasive nature compared to traditional liposuction. Traditional liposuction requires surgery to remove your unwanted fat while this does not. 

If you want to learn more about ultrasonic fat cavitation, keep on reading this article.

What is ultrasonic fat cavitation?

Ultrasonic fat cavitation is a relatively simple non-invasive procedure that depends on ultrasonic or low-frequency sound waves to eliminate excess fat from your body instead of having traditional invasive liposuction.

In an ultrasonic fat cavitation procedure, the non-invasive machines are the highlight. They target precise treatment areas in the body with ultrasonic or low-frequency sound waves. The use of sound waves is what makes the procedure to be called “ultrasonic.” In some cases, your doctor may use light suction to aid the process of fat elimination.

With the use of ultrasonic waves, it heats and vibrates the fat cells’ layer underneath the surface of the skin. The buildup in pressure ultimately causes the fat cells to liquefy and be released into the bloodstream safely.

Many individuals who are for this procedure agree that the body is then able to process these fatty acids through the lymphatic system – the tried and tested waste disposal system of your body.

How much is ultrasonic fat cavitation?

The price of ultrasonic fat cavitation is highly dependent on where you are getting your treatment, the premium that you will pay for your doctor, and the deals you have garnered in that period. However, you can expect to shell out between 250 USD to 350 USD per session.

For inquires and substantial savings, you can visit Clinic Search Korea for ultrasonic fat cavitation deals.

Is ultrasonic fat cavitation permanent?

The exact mechanism of ultrasonic fat cavitation is that it does not destroy your fat cells; rather, it gets rid of their contents. That means the fat cells are not able to store fat again. 

Though the results of ultrasonic fat cavitation are long-lasting, the only way to achieve permanent results is through maintaining a balanced diet. Individuals who consume more calories than they can burn will eventually see their improvement start to wane over time.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

Most clinics often claim that you can noticeably see results after the first session of ultrasonic fat cavitation. Although this is true, most would always recommend that you get between 8 to 12 treatment sessions to achieve your desired results optimally. 

The number of sessions that you need will be dependent on several factors, such as your current weight, age, and the treatment area.  Each treatment will roughly take about 30-50 minutes.


Does ultrasonic fat cavitation work?

Yes, however, the results will vary from person to person. You may slim down or get rid of your excess fat more or less dramatic than others depending on several factors such as your health history and your body type.

What kind of results can I expect from this procedure?

As stated earlier, results typically vary from person to person. But, you should be able to observe and notice a reduced circumference in the area that was treated due to the release of fat cells, and a more shaped and improved appearance.

Can this procedure treat cellulite?

According to several sources, ultrasonic fat cavitation most probably does not do anything for cellulite. However, there are still some anecdotal shreds of evidence for cellulite reduction for those who have undergone this procedure. Pieces of evidence are quite inconsistent are a mixed bag. But, if you want to treat your cellulite, you can find better cellulite treatments on our website.

Is there any downtime to this procedure?

No, there isn't. After the treatment, you can go back to your daily routine, albeit you follow the doctor's orders carefully.

Does this procedure require surgery?

No, it does not. Ultrasonic fat cavitation is non-invasive in nature and, therefore, does not require you to undergo surgical techniques.

Does it hurt?

No, most patients often claim that the procedure is painless and, at the same time, comfortable. You might feel a little bit of warmth in the treatment area. Minor blushing or redness may or may not occasionally appear, but no pain will be felt. No anesthetic is applied!


If you are looking for a painless and non-invasive alternative to traditional liposuction, then ultrasonic fat cavitation may be the treatment you are looking for! By using ultrasonic waves to destroy and empty fat cells, it’s merely a no brainer.

Build your confidence again, and get rid of those excess fats in your trouble areas now!

If you are considering for ultrasonic fat cavitation, visit Clinic Search Korea for more information.